#11 Ideas to help children through the current COVID-19 crisis autism spectrum teacher podcast

Podcast #11 Ideas to help children at home during the COVID-19 crisis

Bonus episode: This is a live recording from a ‘Facebook Live’ I hosted this week. It took place in a group aimed at general support through the Covid-19 Crisis, in the island of Jersey, where I am from.
I took this opportunity to talk to parents and carers about potential strategies that could be helpful for families with children with special needs, when spending all day at home.

Attention Autism stage 1 attention bucket video

Attention bucket for autistic children (Attention Autism)

Attention Autism After using the idea of an ‘attention bucket’, I looked further into the Attention Autism approach. The Attention Autism approach focuses on developing attention and listening skills and giving the children “an irresistible invitation to learn”. ‘Attention Bucket’ An ‘attention bucket’ is a bucket full of motivating and exciting toys and Read more…